It’s time to enjoy life. Today!
Blue skies, smilin’ at me . . .
News flash! It's coming. Blue Monday will be here on January 18th! Blue Monday is the most depressing day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Are you prepared?
How could I have come to age 66 and never heard of Blue Monday? I must be some kind of a hermit. It seems I need to start preparation for being depressed on Monday. Actually, it will not be a difficult task since I am scheduled to endure a colonoscopy that day. I'll spend all day tomorrow, the 17th, getting ready. That's enough to depress anybody!
Way back in 2005, a travel company in the U.K. declared that they discovered the most dreadful day of the year. Sky Travel identified the following factors and calculated the third Monday in January as the most dispiriting twenty-four hours each year.
According to Wikipedia, so we know it must be true, "The formula uses many factors, including: weather conditions, debt level (the difference between debt accumulated and our ability to pay), time since Christmas, time since failing our new year's resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action." And we thought COVID was terrible.
So, if you are feeling pretty good right now, stop it! You are supposed to be depressed.
Now, I know there is an Everest of demoralizing news out there, but I wonder if it is still possible to stand on the peak and shout, "No, I refuse to let all these dismal events and distressing information get the best of me!" I think you know what I am going to proclaim. "Yes, yes, it is possible to harness the Blue winds of Monday into a day worth living."
Perhaps it would be good to choose the right song to sing. During the old country comedy show, Hee Haw, the boys sang, "Gloom despair and agony on me . . ." "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." It is worth noting that there is humor to be found on the bluest of days.
Find some laughter in every day. Don't allow cloudy skies to rob you of joy.
I remember when my father passed away many years ago. My two sisters and I were charged with the unpleasant task of choosing a casket for my father's burial. We were ushered into a somewhat moribund room full of coffins. I never knew there were so many choices about a final resting bed. Would dad want a simple, inexpensive wooden box, or would he rather the high-end Cadillac with all the bells and whistles? My dad drove expensive cars and wore tailored suits. So, what should we do?
We spent a long time weighing our, or "his" options. Finally, we just broke into laughter. We could hear dad saying, "These damn kids can't even pick me a coffin!"
My friends, there is a lightheartedness to be found in nearly every situation. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Psalm 30:11 puts it like this. "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy" (Psalm 30:11 NIV). Allow yourself to rise above your circumstances.
God can and will lift you above the mire. Listen to the Psalmists words.
"18 When I said, "My foot is slipping,"
your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
19 When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought me joy." (Psalm 94:18-19 NIV)
Let the message of God's care of you sink deeply into your spirit. Know that God stands high above every circumstance and yet makes Himself known right in the midst of it. When you ask, He will respond. And when you need Him to show Himself so that you can be confident of His promises, simply ask.
Early this week, I contacted a new friend who is the leader of a company I've been familiar with for many years. Before Tracey ran this company, her father was its leader. Charlie was one of my mentors. His unique demeanor, attitude, and wisdom enlightened my life many times. It still does.
When Charlie passed away many years ago, I wrote a "Jump Start" article honoring this great man of faith. I wanted to share the story with his daughter. But how would I find this needle in a haystack of several hundred "Jump Start" articles? I spent about an hour looking for the story to no avail. Finally, I just stopped and said, "Lord, I know this is not high on Your priority list today, but it would be really nice if you would help me find what I need." Do you know what happened? You guessed it. The very next article I opened was the one I wanted! Coincidence? I think not. "But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds". (Psalm 73:28 NIV)
One of my favorite sayings is, "This too shall pass." I have been retired from being the Pastor of Vibrant Church since the end of May last year. I spent thirty-eight years immersed in the ministry and leadership of this large church. Those years delivered many highlights and dozens of deep valleys. I labored diligently to do my part to see the Kingdom of God expand through the work of that one endeavor. I wondered how I would adjust to life without Vibrant. Guess what? Life went on. All of the mountain tops and deep valleys are but memories. God and I are writing a new chapter to my story. And I love it!
You will make it through this season. Blue Monday will be but a memory on Tuesday. I suggest you sing another kind of "blues" song.
"Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but blue skies from now on."
The worst and best thing about life is that you get to choose. What kind of blues do you want your song to be?
"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." (Colossians 3:1-4 NIV)
I've checked. The outlook for things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God is bright and sunny. There's no pandemic, no debt, no dissension, no dreary days, and no failed resolutions. Set your mind on that location, and you will find a smile on your face. It’s time to enjoy life. Today!